Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Excuses, excuses

Sorry for the paucity of posts the last couple of days, kids. Uncle Swan's a mite under the weather. We'll keep drowning him in Ny-Quil (aka Skid Row Schnapps) and hot oatmeal, and hopefully we can chain him to the keyboard again by tomorrow.

While Uncle Swan's down for the count, you kids better be good, or Nick Fury will come to your house and punch your lights out.

1 insisted on sticking two cents in:

Anonymous Anonymous offered these pearls of wisdom...

I've missed reading a few of the posts you haven't made. Can I relate? I've been a mite under the weather and MIA here on the opposite coast, though not from a bug, virus or sniffles. It's called burning the candles @ both ends for way too long. Time to pay the piper as they say. I agree w/Linda; it's not the same w/out you!

6:14 PM  

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