Saturday, July 23, 2005

You can never be too stupid, or too cheap

This just off the "Moronic Criminals" newswire:

An off-duty police officer was arrested in Milwaukee this week for offering a woman he believed to be a prostitute $15 to perform a particular act of carnal gratification. The woman turned out to be an undercover member of the Milwaukee P.D. vice squad. The offending officer has been placed on administrative leave pending an investigation.

Now, I'm asking the same two questions you're asking. (That's why you have your Uncle Swan — to ask the tough questions you'd love to be asking yourself, but have way too much common sense to ask out loud.)

First, how dumb can a cop be to solicit a hooker, knowing — as I'm sure he must have — that the vice squad runs decoys in the very neighborhood where he was trolling?

And second...

Fifteen dollars?

1 insisted on sticking two cents in:

Blogger Unknown offered these pearls of wisdom...


9:38 AM  

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