What's Up With That? #72: Sci Fi? I thought you said Hi Fi
Umm... what?

According to Bonnie Hammer, president of Sci Fi's excuse me, Syfy's parent company, NBC Universal Cable Entertainment, "We couldn't own Sci Fi; it's a genre. But we can own Syfy."
Gotcha, Bonnie. Glad you've got your priorities in order.
Fanboys, geeks, nerds, and other societal rejects will be relieved to learn that Syfy (the channel) will continue to present Sci Fi (the genre), and that most of it will suck swamp water, in keeping with the channel's long-standing tradition.
In related news, the Food Network revealed today that it, too, is changing its name, after network executives discovered that "food" is a generic term for "stuff you eat." Henceforth, the channel will be known as the Guy Fieri Network.
Said a spokesperson, "We can't own food. But we can and do own Guy."
Also, FOX is reported to be searching for a pithy, trademarkable brand, now that evidence has come to light that "fox" is actually a small, furry, dog-like animal that lives in the woods.
More on this development is forthcoming.
Labels: Aimless Riffing, Ripped From the Headlines, Teleholics Anonymous, Whats Up With That, Wonderful World of Advertising
6 insisted on sticking two cents in:
Maybe it will allow them to start bringing in more original programming like Battlestar Galactica and less of those horrible, horrible movies.
Avitable: That would be an optimistic expectation from the same folks who think changing the spelling of "Sci Fi" to "Syfy" is a great move.
Hilarious! Oh thank you, thank you. Nice writing, too!
By the exec's logic, those other stations would probably become "Füd" and "Focks"...so dumb.
Lana: Thanks for the kind words. Glad we gave you a chuckle.
MCF: You're reading my mind. I almost used that joke. :)
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