Got a little Captain in you?

Okay, now that I've just admitted to watching So You Think You Can Dance, I feel an overwhelming need to recoup my man cred.
How's this...
It's not too early to remind you that Wednesday, September 19 just over a month from today is Talk Like a Pirate Day.

Perhaps coincidentally, a genealogical society known as English Heritage is inviting people with traceable pirate ancestry to a series of gatherings being held in the U.K. over the next two weekends. This weekend, pirate descendants will shiver their timbers at Dover Castle in Kent; next weekend, swashes will be buckled at Whitby Abbey in North Yorks.
Anyone sharing the surname of any of the six most legendary English pirates Sir Henry Morgan (namesake of a popular brand of spiced rum), Captain William Kidd, Edward Teach (better known as Blackbeard), John "Calico Jack" Rackham, Anne Bonny, or Mary Read gets into the shindig at no charge.
Everyone knows pirates can't pass up a freebie.
Labels: Aimless Riffing, Talk Like a Pirate, Teleholics Anonymous
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