Voices in Harmony in concert Saturday!

Those of you living in the San Francisco Bay Area and you know who you are would be doing your ears a ginormous favor if you dropped by Spangenberg Auditorium in Palo Alto this coming Saturday. (That's May 19 Armed Forces Day, in case you don't have a calendar handy.)
Northern California's premier men's a cappella chorus, Voices in Harmony currently ranked seventh in the world, and looking to leap into the top five this summer will rock the house as only 100-plus perfectly synchronized, testosterone-fueled larynges can. Under the direction of world-renowned conductor Dr. Greg Lyne, ViH masters the musical gamut from show tunes to jazz, from pop to gospel. (And yes, we'll throw in a little barbershop for you hardcore fanatics.)
Special guest performers for this concert date will be the stellar vocal jazz ensemble Clockwork, and one of the West Coast's top male quartets, Late Show. As the great Don Cornelius used to say, you can bet your last money, it's all gonna be a stone gas, honey.
Or, to be a tad more contemporary, this is one bomb-diggity fresh joint, yo.
Trust me, kids you haven't heard anything like Voices in Harmony. You just haven't. I don't care how many choruses, choirs, or vocal groups you've experienced previously. And I'm not just saying that because of that handsome smiling devil in the center of the second row. (At least, not entirely.)
So what are you waiting for? Go buy some ducats for either the matinee or evening performance, clear your Saturday schedule, and prepare to be blown away.
Believe the hype.
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Labels: Aimless Riffing, My Home Town, Soundtrack of My Life
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