Sunday, February 18, 2007

Gung hay (pork) fat choy!

Welcome to the Year of the Pig!

Of course, for some of us, every year is the Year of the Pig.

Actually, I was born in the Year of the Ox. Which, considering that oxen are even more grotesquely humongous than pigs, is appropriate in an obvious yet unflattering way.

Not that we're implying anything about you personally, if you were born in the Year of the Pig.

Or maybe we are.


2 insisted on sticking two cents in:

Blogger MCF offered these pearls of wisdom...

Year of the pig? Whew, guess that explains the less-than-subtle return of my gut. Here I thought it was from stress and skipping the gym a lot these last few weeks.

That check joke is awesome. I'm so stealing it the next time an opportunity arises. :)

3:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous offered these pearls of wisdom...

It was the year of the tiger when I was born eons ago. Words of advice: you wouldn't want to mess around with this tigress when she's fit to be tied and spitting nails!

6:20 PM  

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