Bow before my intellectual superiority!

Unfortunately, I am still not as smart as Mark Lowenthal, Bob Blake, or Grace Veach.
But then, you probably aren't, either.
Unless you're Eugene Finerman. Then you probably are.
Labels: Aimless Riffing, Cool Stuff, Jeopardy, Reminiscing
4 insisted on sticking two cents in:
Am I reading this right? I'm less smart than you because I'm white? Whuzzup widdat?
Why did I ever leave California? It's forking freezing here!
Hey, how 'bout that Gavin Newsom? Demon rum, no less!
Eugene: The better to devour ignorance and injustice with, mon frere.
1. I blame William Shockley.
2. What did we all tell you? "Don't go, Bruce!" we said. But no, you had to follow that dream.
3. I'm going to start drinking, just so I'll have an excuse for all of my stupid miscues.
Hmmm. Let's see, Bruce (who put his own two cents in) must be the dude who left the more temperate climate of California for, let's say, Buffalo, NY. They call it lake effect snow in upsate New York, where you're bound to see plenty of the white stuff. You go dude!
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