Monday, December 04, 2006

What's Up With That? #40: Garrison's Prison Break experience may come in handy

No one seems to be asking the essential question about last weekend's accident involving Prison Break star Lane Garrison, in which one of Garrison's passengers — a 17-year-old boy — lost his life, and two other passengers — both 15-year-old girls — were seriously injured.

So let me be the first.

The question isn't: Was Garrison intoxicated at the time of the crash?

The question is: What was a 26-year-old actor doing on a Saturday night with three teenaged minors — two of them 15-year-old girls — in his car?

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2 insisted on sticking two cents in:

Anonymous Anonymous offered these pearls of wisdom...

Thank you! I've been wondering the exact same thing ever since I heard the news. I mean, duh.

6:56 PM  
Blogger jedimerc offered these pearls of wisdom...

Excellent point. There's been a lot of coverage on this down here (Dallas) since he is from the area... I didn't even know about this actor since I don't watch Prison Break.

10:52 AM  

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