What's Up With That? #33: You can't overlove your innuendo
You know the one I mean.
Tell me there's nothing uncomfortably eerie about grown men dressed up like fruit — in the literal sense of the word — singing longingly about "a boy in pure white briefs" (the boy in question being perhaps ten years old in the video), concluding with the line, "You can't overlove your underwear."
And the title of the ad is "Ripe for the Pickin'." Puh-lease.
What ad agency concocted this spot — NAMBLA?
Actually, it's The Richards Group, a billion-dollar agency based in Dallas, which represents top-shelf companies ranging from Hyundai to Home Depot. They ought to know better. (I suppose I've just shredded my chances of ever writing copy for them.)
And before you ask, no, it's not just the man-boy thing. The ad would be no less hackle-raising if the apple guy was crooning about prepubescent girls in white cotton panties. Or if an adult woman dressed like Carmen Miranda sang the praises of skivvies-clad minor children of either gender. It's the subtext that matters.
The infernal thing is, that jingle is awfully darned catchy. I find myself wandering absent-mindedly about the house, extolling in song the joys of pederasty.
It's icky. That's all I'm saying.
Labels: Soundtrack of My Life, Whats Up With That, Wonderful World of Advertising
1 insisted on sticking two cents in:
As a random point - The boy in the question is wearing blue boxers, and not 'pure white briefs'. Perhaps it's not a coincidence.
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