Wednesday, May 17, 2006

We can work it out... or not

It's one of those good news, bad news days for celebrity relationships.

First, the good news: Nicole Kidman is officially engaged to country singer Keith Urban.

At least, that's good news if you can stomach the thought of poor Nic having to listen to country music for the rest of her life.

Here's what I don't understand, though. Urban was born in New Zealand and raised in Australia. When did the Tasman Sea become a hotbed of country music? Aren't the Aussies and Kiwis more or less British in culture? You'd think their native musical artists would be Beatles imitators or something.

Speaking of Beatles, here's the bad news: Paul McCartney and his wife Heather Mills are separating after four years.

I've long suspected that Sir Macca's May-December romance with Little Miss Save-the-Whales (he's 63, she's 38 — you do the math) was about as stable as a three-legged table.

But saying so would probably be in poor taste.

Macca's worth about a billion and a half American. There's no prenuptial contract. You do the math there, too. Attorneys and accountants are no doubt already rubbing their hands together and singing "We Can Work It Out."

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