Sunday, January 29, 2006

Gung hay fat choy, dawg

Happy New Year to all of our readers of Chinese origin or extraction, as well as those who just enjoy Chinese cuisine. Save some prawns in lobster sauce and a couple of fried won ton for me.

By the Chinese calendar, this is 4703, the Year of the Dog. Which should make my personal assistant Abby quite pleased.

Speaking of dogs, here's an odd bit of trivia to arise from the morass that is the week before the Super Bowl: Cleveland, the home of the Dawg Pound, is the only NFL city never to either play in or host a Super Bowl.

My only question: This surprised someone why, exactly?

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1 insisted on sticking two cents in:

Anonymous Anonymous offered these pearls of wisdom...

When I read the title of your post, I was immediately reminded of the person who taught me how to say "Happy New Year" in Chinese. You'll remember this person well too since he also graduated with the class of '79.

Adrian Willis was a highly intelligent individual whom I had the priviledge to become friends with during my junior year back @ the "Ranch". Like you, he is biracial; his mother was Chinese and his father a Native American; and he's an only child. Our friendship began when we were both involved with the school's Key Club.

Adrian went on to attend Princeton University; the bonus for him was Princeton's colors, orange and purple. Adrian's favorite color was orange. I wonder what Adrian's doing now and what he's accomplished with his life? Gung hay fat choy, Adrian, where ever you are!

4:52 PM  

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