Monday, January 09, 2006

Ahead, warped factor one

The most shocking thing about Howard Stern's new show on the Sirius satellite radio service?

Not that Stern opened the broadcast with an episode of phone sex with Playboy centerfold Heidi Cortez.

Not that one of the first words out of Stern's mouth was the four-letter expletive he couldn't legally say on his previous over-the-airwaves program.

Not that one of Stern's debut guests was a fellow shock jock who legally changed his name to Bubba the Love Sponge.

Not even that taste-impaired mouth-breathers in trailer parks across the nation will actually pay $13 per month to listen to a talentless schmuck like Howard Stern, who pretty much hijacked his entire shtick from a legend of New York and San Francisco radio named Alex Bennett, who now — ironically enough — shares airspace with Stern at Sirius.

No, the biggest shock is that George Takei, the erstwhile Mr. Sulu from the Star Trek franchise of television series and films, has signed on to serve as Stern's announcer and on-air foil.

I thought that man had class.

Takei. Not Stern.

2 insisted on sticking two cents in:

Anonymous Anonymous offered these pearls of wisdom...

I must have been truly naive to not know who Howard Stern was when I first saw "Private Parts" on HBO in 1998. I think my husband was channel surfing and found the movie already in progress. We watched it and laughed at appropriate times. When HBO aired the movie again, I sat down to watch it from beginning to end because I was truly intrigued. I laughed, blushed, and covered my eyes! Thankfully it was after bedtime for our oldest daughter who was five at the time. I actually enjoyed "Private Parts", thought it was funny and would watch it again, but I won't be following Howard into satellite radio. I have seen bits of his show on E!, just to see what he was really like outside the movie. The movie was pretty tame compared to his show! Now and then, my husband and I chuckle whenever we recall Howard being "coached" to annouce "WNBC" with a country twang!

11:01 AM  
Blogger Unknown offered these pearls of wisdom...

I'm not gonna defend Howard. Not today, anyway. I just know after all the years in radio, I never heard of Alex Benett. He's new to me. If anything, if there was one jock who got away with it more than Stern, it was a jock named Greaseman, who ruled here on the east coast for years until he said a bad thing and was bumped from his job.

The thing is, Howard could have heard thousand of jocks over the years before he got his groove on. Before he was an L.A. staple, Mark Thompson worked here in Savannah in the late sevenites before he made the big jump. for all I know, Howard could have heard me in my early days in 1983. He just took my stupidity and made millions from it. Dangit.

As for Takai, who'da thunk he'd have taken the gig? I think it's cool. But, that's me. The man's working.

9:13 PM  

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